Hope you can tune in and enjoy these PODCASTS. 🙂   Jeremiah Johnston: “PTSD, Veterans and the Church” https://myfaithradio.com/2019/ptsd-veterans-church/ Interview with Welby O’Brien, author of LOVE OUR VETS: Restoring Hope for Families of Veterans with PTSD www.LoveOurVets.org  Bill Arnold: “Restoring Hope for Families with PTSD” https://myfaithradio.com/program_podcast/restoring-hope-families-ptsd-millennials-trust-factor/ Interview with Welby O’Brien, author of LOVE OUR VETS:…

PTSD: Can You “Just Get Over It”???

“You have WHAT?!  How soon before you are back to normal?” In our modern age of quick fixes, high tech, and a plethora of pharmaceuticals, people not only don’t understand Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they are often uncomfortable with it and just want others to get over it. But is it curable? We all wish we had a…

PTSD Awareness & Resources: What is Missing?

The month of June is dedicated to PTSD Awareness. Thankfully, for the first time in our history there is an abundance of information about PTSD, and help for those who struggle with it (which in the U.S. alone is millions!). So why then are so many – including all their loved ones around them – still seriously suffering?…

We BOTH Got Triggered!

We all know that triggers set off PTSD. Brace for explosion!  Thankfully, I am learning much better these days how to handle it when my vet gets triggered. And occasionally I myself get triggered. But what really threw me off guard last week was when we BOTH got triggered! WHOA! No fun. Not pretty. Downright…