Ever fall into bed exhausted, but your brain won’t shut off? Feel like life keeps getting busier and faster? Wonder just how much more you can s-t-r-e-t-c-h?
I love rubber bands. Last week I lost one of my favorites to overstretching. I guess it had been too tight for too long. And it snapped!
Gazing at a pile of new relaxed rubber bands, it hit me. If rubber bands need a little vacation, how much more do we!
Several years ago I bottomed out, battling for my life for over a year. All due to a perfect storm of multiple factors, one of which was me pushing too hard for too long. Just power through! Worked for a while. Then I snapped.
I always assumed if I slowed down, I’d lose my momentum, and just be too tired to accomplish anything. And the supreme goal is to do as much as you can and do it well, right? My adrenaline-charged overactive brain was a harsh taskmaster; but I didn’t know any differently.
It took a total collapse (doctors didn’t think I’d make it) until I was able to slowly start turning the ship around. And that by the grace of God, to whom I am forever grateful.
A key part of my recovery has been learning to take mini “vacations” throughout the day, and retraining my brain and body to cherish the stillness. Ahhh. I never knew how good it could feel to relax. Recharge. Reflect. Rest.
I’ve gained a new appreciation for the Lord’s words: “BE STILL, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
This about-face totally saved – and changed – my life! I‘m happier, calmer, and sleeping better than ever!
Here are 3 take-aways that have made a significant difference:
Could be any number of things: headache, indigestion, difficulty sleeping, irritability, feeling driven or overwhelmed, a sense of urgency or hurry, shallow breathing, etc. And often I don’t realize how wound up I am until I stop, sit down, breathe, and be still.
Might be tough for some, but it’s essential to find a safe quiet place all alone. Get comfy. I love my cozy recliner, but even a parked car will do. This is a conscious retraining of the brain and body to slow down, and operate in rest and digest mode, rather than fight or flight.
Let yourself JUST BE in one of your favorite places (real or imagined): maybe basking in the sun on a tropical beach, or lounging by a peaceful pool, or stargazing on a summer night. Take pleasure in the fresh air and warm sun, soft sand and gentle waves, cheery birds or calming crickets. Breathe slowly and deeply. Dream of heaven. Let thankfulness flow freely. Rest in the comforting arms of your Good Shepherd, Heavenly Father, and Prince of Peace.
When your mind starts bombarding you with all the things you need to do right now, just smile, and go back to that beautiful place.
You might start to notice some belly gurgles, which is a sign that your brain has successfully transitioned to rest and digest (parasympathetic). Yay! That is a victory! And when you do decide to get back to your tasks, you’ll probably feel more energized but in a calm way. Just like a relaxed rubber band.
I do this twice a day, for 15-30 minutes, usually morning and evening. The evening quietness is such a peaceful preparation for bedtime.
It’s a big commitment you’ll never regret! A friend of mine calls it her “protected day.” Some call it a Sabbath. You choose what day of the week you will regularly set aside for self-care.
What do you need to do, and not do, for YOU? What will help you be totally relaxed and peaceful and happy all day?
For me it’s turning off the laptop. No emails, no texts. No appointments or obligations. The calendar is clear. And I just make it up as I go along! Sleep, eat, go for walks, watch a movie, read a book, file my nails, look out the window, call a friend if I want, etc. And I also include my regular mini vacations as well.
It’s amazing how refreshed I feel. And I look forward to the next vacation!
Don’t wait until you snap. Every time you see a rubber band, ask yourself if you need a little vacation. Let go often, trust God, and rest in Your Prince of Peace.
Self-care is not a luxury. It’s a lifeline. Just ask a rubber band.
P.S. This is the program that was very helpful: www.retrainingthebrain.com