I was thinking about inventing a MOOD-O-METER. Basically it alerts us to the mood(s) of our S/O from the moment we wake up until after they fall asleep. That way we can gauge what kind of day/hour/moment WE will be having. It is also capable of tracking sudden mood shifts, keeping us informed at all times.
Then it hit me…most of us already HAVE a built-in MOOD-O METER! It automatically starts scanning while our brain is warming up, so by the time we are thinking and planning, we’ve been informed of what may be in store. And it never shuts off.
Perhaps then what we really need is a MOOD-O-SHIELD. This device would deflect any oncoming moods, so we could be better tuned to our own feelings and needs.
PTSD can be a beast, and living with it offers non-stop challenges for those who battle it firsthand, and for all those around them. As I share in the book LOVE OUR VETS: Restoring Hope for Families of Veterans with PTSD, we as loved ones need to take care of ourselves AS we love our PTSD survivors…moods and all.
I am finding that it takes a conscious choice to NOT rely on the MOOD-O-METER for my joy or peace during the day. Their mood WILL affect us, but we can choose to take a step back and decide if and how we might best respond (not react).
So until someone invents the MOOD-O-SHIELD, surrounding ourselves with others who get it, taking time to strengthen our faith, and staying mindful of what we need will be a big help. 🙂